Family Services
Our goal is to work with parents to build trust; identify family goals and strengths; and help parents obtain services and support. Staff members can provide referrals for resources in the community, such as food, clothing, transportation, and counseling.
Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement is voluntary on the part of parents of enrolled children, but it is CRITICAL to the success of our program. It is also critical to your child’s success in school. Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to assist at the center. Head Start programs need and depend on parent participation and support. Families are encouraged to participate in:
- Home Visits by teachers and other staff members
- Parent-Teacher conferences
- Education curriculum and lesson planning meetings
- Parent Committee and Policy Council/Committee Meetings
- Parent education activities and workshops
- Volunteer training and classroom volunteering
- Observing children in the classroom
- Participating in take home activities
Parents and volunteers are expected to abide by the RCCDC Discipline Policy and Adult Conduct Policy at all times while in the center or attending any program activities.