Regina Coeli's Mission and Vision

The mission of Regina Coeli is to provide the highest quality of service to children and families through a community team effort based on the question: “Is it good for children?"

What We Do

Applications are accepted for any child regardless of income. According to Head Start Performance Standards up to 10% of the total children enrolled may be over the poverty income guidelines. In addition, another 35% of the total children may be from families with incomes between 1-35% over the poverty income guidelines.

Early Head Start—Center Based

The Early Head Start program serves children ages 6 weeks up to 36 months (3 years). The classroom includes 2 teachers with 8 children in mixed ages. Each teacher is assigned 1 group of 4 children and the children stay with that teacher until leaving the program at 3. The teacher works with each child to teach the skill a child is ready to learn, whether it is crawling, sitting, walking, talking, fine motor skills or large motor skills. As the child progresses, new skills are added.

Pregnant Women

RCCDC serves 28 pregnant women assisting the mother prepare for delivery of a healthy baby and healthy mother following the birth. The program follows the mother and baby until the child is able to enroll in the classroom.

Head Start—Center Based

The Head Start program serves children ages 3-5 years in a classroom with a teacher and a teacher assistant. The number of children in a classroom ranges from 15-18 and with a variety of abilities.

Children with Identified Disabilities

Head Start Performance Standards require us to serve a minimum of 10% enrolled children with an identified disability. The children are enrolled in classrooms with typical children in order for all children to learn about children with different types of abilities.

what is head start

What is headstart?

Head Start is a program which provides quality education for children.
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Learn about the history of Regina Coeli's Head Start program since 1969.
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Want to know how you can help out your local Regina Coeli Head Start center?.
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