Mission & Vision
Head Start programs operated by Regina Coeli Child Development Center (RCCDC) will give your child a quality preschool experience in a loving, caring, and safe environment. RCCDC is a private, non-profit corporation funded through grants from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide Early Head Start and Head Start services in Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes.
The goal of the program is to prepare your child for his or her next educational setting. Before we can do this, we will need to develop your child’s social skills and assist your family in setting and meeting goals. With your help, we will teach your child beginning reading, writing, and math skills.
More importantly, we will teach your child to get along with others, to care for him or herself, and hopefully, to feel confident and happy about learning. Your help is critical to make all of this happen in a very short period of time.
The mission of Regina Coeli is to provide the highest quality of service to children and families through a community team effort based on the question: “Is it good for children?”